Empowering schools with a hassle-free Fee Management
Automate Fee Management and Generate insightful reports with UniCampus
Looking to automate fee management, minimize errors and send timely alerts and notifications?
UniCampus Fee Management makes this possible, at your fingertips!!!
Fee Collection and Management are important components for schools. Today, more and more schools are moving away from the traditional modes of fee management that involves manpower; and inaccuracies that may creep in because of the huge volumes of work. With an online fee management tool it is a lot more convenient to issue receipts, generate and maintain reports while eliminating inaccuracies.
UniCampus’s, Fee Management Module has been created with the intention of making sure that fee collection and receipt generation can be done in the shortest span of time possible. The Fee Module ERP offered by UniCampus is User-Friendly and helps schools to plan and allot different fee structures to students. The internal messaging system within UniCampus will help you integrate email and SMS communications. This will help send reminders to all parents with outstanding dues, with the click of a button!

Do away with manual and laborious work of fee collection/management
For the staff handling fee payments, the process is streamlined and absolutely hassle-free and error free.
The fee structures are integrated considering the students’ grade, streams, additional fees etc, which allows flexibility and ease in defining fees for every student. This also includes other options such as quarterly, monthly, half-yearly for fee collection.
The online tool enables easy to record payment of fees with direct link of data entry on receiving fees to accounts eliminating double data entry.
Additionally, specific controlled access can be provided to users for access of Finance
No more waiting in queues
For parents, this module is extremely convenient as it allows online payments with various payment options allowed through secured gateways. The parent has the structured account of the fee, display of remaining fees and is also able to generate and print fees receipt.
Accuracy in the fee payment
The online fee module helps both parents and the school generate fees due report and find out the net due fees of each student.
Alert them!
Send alerts and notifications about pending fees by SMS (short messaging service) and email.
Fee defaulters report can be checked and students/parents can be reminded about the pending fees via SMS/email
Secured Payment Gateways
With UniCampus you can be rest assured about the security of the fee payment. The overall payment environment is safe, secure and simple.